How can I help?

I am a multi-disciplined helping practitioner, which enables me to use a variety of change modalities , coaching strategies and mindset techniques to suit your individual needs. 

I adopt an intergrative therapy approach in our sessions to allow a personalised style, in order to achieve the fastest, most effective results possible.

Read more about the types of therapies I can offer below.

Neuro-linguistic Programming

NLP is like learning how to understand language of your unconscious mind so that it will finally understand what you actually want to live life in a meaningful way.

 It was developed by Richard Brandler and John Grinder, in USA in the 1970s,  modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.

NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.

It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.

NLP has a list of pre-suppositions which structure and challenge every day thoughts and behaviours. As the world is interpreted through all of our senses, sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, NLP seeks to find the 'coding' behind our actions and emotions, and models new coding on more helpful perceptions and behavoirs.

Every decision, thought process, emotional reaction and behaviour is broken down into their unique set of strategies for each person.  By emulating and mapping across more useful strategies from different experiences, role models and future possibilites, the client breaks free from limiting self-beliefs. The importance of language, in self-talk particularly is challenged,  past perceptions are reframed, old issues can quickly disappear! NLP detects and modifies unconscious biases in a person's individual map of the world

During an NLP session, a client simply is guided to be open minded to viewing their world from a different perspective, and through guided techniques and strategies, they can often enjoy life changing transformations!

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

CBT has widely been recognised as an effective model of psychotherapywhich has become a popular, evidence based alternative to medication in the mental health profession. It is based on the connection between thoughts, emotions, feelings and behaviours. It looks at how our feelings are based on distortions of thinking, leading to unhelpful patterns of behaviours such as anxiety, fears, confidence and depression. As a type of talking therapy, clients are guided into recognising unhelpful thought patterns, identifying triggers and understanding past experiences. Through structured sessions, clients can overcome their automatic negative thinking and gain more control of how unresourceful reactions can be changed into resourceful responses in order to deal better with  current issues and challenges of daily living.

Brainworking Recursive Therapy

BWRT is defined by Terence Watts – the leading therapist who developed it – as an approach grounded in science.

'It uses natural psychological processes to recondition neural pathways in the brain that lead to unwanted behaviour.'

As a client, you don't even need to discuss your problem in any great detail at all.  As long as you can remember how it makes you feel and react, you can be relieved of all kinds of issues.

BWRT works by reprogramming the brains automated response. Its origins stem from the Libet's experiment which set out to test the notion of free will, involving pushing a button on impulse.The subject was wired up to record activity triggered in the brain which was proven to occur 550 milliseconds before the subject had ‘decided’ to push the button. This then suggests that our awareness in deciding to take action has arrived after activity has already started in our ‘unconscious’ mind.

 It is this cognitive gap which forms the basis for the success of BRWT, in that therapy can be directed straight to the neuralpathways where the presenting problems occur, and act as an interupt to the automatic neural response. 

During a BWRT session, the client simply has to have access to the emotions and feelings underneath the limitating behaviour of concern, without having to spend too long recollecting often painful memories and experiences. By choosing how they would prefer to feel in response to identified triggers, the client relaxes while BWRT guides the brain into  creating new neural pathways, to replace the old connections which allows the client to become free from past issues quickly and effectively.

WSN Counselling

Warriors, Settlers and Nomads is a groundbreaking model of parts therapy founded by the renowned phsycotherapist, Terence Watts.

Based on the theory of genetic inheritance, with the concept of evolutionary psychology, our basic characteristics, personality traits and behaviours have been passed down to us from our ancient ancestors dating back to the three main tribal archetypes; the Warrior -resolute, in control decisive strategist, the Settler -optimistic, caring,community negotiator communicator, and the Nomad - charismatic, independant, creative, joy seeker.

Once we discover your predominant type, we work through resolving your issues through eliminating internal conflict, and accessing the hidden resources of all your inner and outer personality types, which have lain dormant for some time.

This accessible, fun therapy can open the door to amazing insights into who you really are and moreover, who can can potentially become!


Hypnotherapy can be described as a heightened awareness, focus and attention. You are helped to reach a relaxed state or trance through guided visualisations and imagery to calm the thinking mind and allow the subconcious mind to focus more deeply on a particular problem.

 Gentle suggestions for behaviour changes are really effective during this trance state as you are guided through issues into solutions. 

 Some people remain fully aware during the entire experience. They recall everything that happens and are  able to have conversations while under hypnosis. Other people may experience deeper states of relaxation  that they may feel detached from what is happening. 

Hypnotherapy does not cause you to forget what happened. You will not be asleep or unconscious, and you will be able to break the hypnotic trance at any time.

During hypnotherapy, you remain in control. It is not possible for anyone to force you to do anything against your will, even under hypnosis. 

EFT -Emotional Freedom Technique

Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots — to restore balance to your body’s energy. It’s believed that restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms a negative experience or emotion may have caused.

Based on Chinese medicine, meridian points are thought of as areas of the body energy flows through. These pathways help balance energy flow to maintain your health. Any imbalance can influence disease or sickness.

Acupuncture uses needles to apply pressure to these energy points. EFT uses fingertip tapping to apply pressure.

Proponents say the tapping helps you access your body’s energy and send signals to the part of the brain that controls stress. They claim that stimulating the meridian points through EFT tapping can reduce the stress or negative emotion you feel from your issue, ultimately restoring balance to your disrupted energy. 

EFT has been used to effectively treat war veterans and active military with PTSD.

In a 2013 studyTrusted Source

, researchers studied the impact of EFT tapping on veterans with PTSD against those receiving standard care.

Within a month, participants receiving EFT coaching sessions had significantly reduced their psychological stress. In addition, more than half of the EFT test group no longer fit the criteria for PTSD.

There are also some success stories from people with anxiety using EFT tapping as an alternative treatment.

Thinking of getting in touch? I'm here to help!

If it keeps playing on your mind, and you  need someone to talk to to Lynne!

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