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Changing thoughts...

Our reality of the world is shaped by the feelings and emotions that we have learned to associate with life events, which are then strategically stored for future use. (Think of your internet's browsing history saving cached information for quick and easy access when next required.)

However, too often our internal representations can become unhelpful and limiting, clogging up our mind often in the form of negative self-talk , holding us back from where we want to be. (preventing us from going forward / obstructing our growth)

Mind My World can readily identify any debilitating beliefs locked away in the memory. Using simple but extremely effective strategies, these assigned meanings can be re-evaluated, reassessed, or disassociated altogether, if they are no longer useful to us.

Your mind is now free and open to accept new possibilities that life has to offer!

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Over time our learned behaviour patterns can become unwanted habits, obstructing our creativity and restricting our freedom to choose a better way to live our lives.

 Through our habitual responses and associated learnings, we become conditioned to reacting in a certain way, often without even realising the cause.

Here at Mind My World, together we seek out unwanted habitual emotional states, analyse their original intent and purpose, in terms of your unique core values and beliefs, and create more resourceful alternative states with which to manage future reactions and circumstances.

By communicating directly with the unconscious mind to adopt new patterns of behaviour, old habits become redundant.

 You are now on course to seek new and more fulfilling opportunities available to you!

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...transforming lives!

The good news is that anything the mind can learn, it can also unlearn. At Mind My World, we have the techniques and strategies to go straight to the core of any unwanted thoughts and behaviours we have succumbed to, and begin to 're-write the coding', in order to create a new normality.

 Imagine how, by just a slight modification in your thinking will impact a new course of action in behavioural terms, triggering a rippling effect across all aspects of your newly acquired perspective of life! 

Your goals and aspirations are clearly more focused and achievable, enabling confidence to grow, developing a new found purpose, and a more enlightened set of values and beliefs. 

Small but significant changes can indeed lead to huge, magnificent transformations!

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